Whether you’re heating your soup or heating your home, a wood-burning stove like the Iron Dog 05 Huraxdax can be of service. The word Huraxdax is Bavarian for “decampment of joy” and you’ll certainly feel that joy has broken camp on its way to see you as the Iron Dog 05 begins to heat up to nearly 1,000 square feet of your humble abode. Best of all, the stove’s degree of efficiency is rated at 82%.
The stove is two-and-a-half feet tall and was designed by sculptor Joseph Michael Neustifter, an artist whose traditional Bavarian works grace the walls of over 80 churches. Each stove takes approximately two months to produce.
The Huraxdax stove is available in cast iron, silver and gold. The gold version of the stove weighs in at 260 kilograms and is priced in excess of $4 million.