It’s Independence Day as I write this and that means one thing is on the minds of most Americans—fireworks. Firecrackers, mortars, sparklers, roman candles—we’re lucky every year we manage not to lose a finger or two. Unfortunately for proud Americans, the most expensive fireworks display was not shown on the Fourth of July.
In 2007, Dubai promised to take home the Guinness world record the largest and most artistically detailed fireworks display during New Year’s 2007/2008. The display, meant honor Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s vision for “The New Middle-East,” was set up in over 20 locations along the Dubai beachfront and all of Dubai’s private sector were invited to support the project. They’re so sure that they secured the record, in fact, that they designed three covers for the 2009 Guinness Book to dedicate to the Dubai’s ruler.
The display ended in a rainbow stretching from one end of the Dubai coast to the other.
While an exact figure isn’t available, we can be sure that Dubai’s 2007/2008 New Year’s fireworks display was the most expensive fireworks display in the world.
The display ended in a rainbow stretching from one end of the Dubai coast to the other.
While an exact figure isn’t available, we can be sure that Dubai’s 2007/2008 New Year’s fireworks display was the most expensive fireworks display in the world.